Monday, September 23, 2013

My first attempt at blacksmithing. I turned an old rail road spike into a fairly decent knife. I first built a small forge after Tim Lively model using a bathroom exhaust fan for my air source, I do have an old hand crank blower that I am in the process of re building. And will most likely be building a different forge for its use. Below is my first attempt at blacksmithing.

Heating the Forge, you can see the Rail road spike there in the center.

                                                        Starting to hammer out the spike.
Blade starting to take shape.

Just out of heat treating

cleaned up did some file work on the spine and placed edge on it, shaping up well.

 Nice view of the offset twist and the file work.

1 comment:

  1. That is the most bad a-- thing I have ever seen in my life. Holy cow!
