Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Possibles bag made from my sons first deer

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Monday, October 17, 2011

In the summer of 1955, I was a young Texas National
Guard sergeant on active duty at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
A corporal in my squad was a Belgian-American
named Charles DeNaer. An old man as far as most of
us were concerned, being well over thirty, Charley
commanded a certain amount of our respect, for not
only was he older than the rest of us, he had lived in
Belgium when the Germans rolled across the low
countries by-passing the Maginot Line on their way
into France. He had seen war.
One soft Oklahoma afternoon, sitting on a bunk in the
half-light of an old wooden barracks, he told me his
In Charley's little town in Belgium, there lived an old
man, a gunsmith. The old man was friendly with the
kids and welcomed them to his shop. He had once
been an armorer to the king of Belgium, according
to Charley. He told us of the wonderful guns the old
man had crafted, using only hand tools. There were
double shotguns and fine rifles with beautiful hard
wood stocks and gorgeous engraving and inlay work.
Charley liked the old man and enjoyed looking at the
guns. He often did chores around the shop.
One day the gunsmith sent for Charley. Arriving at
the shop, Charley found the old man carefully
oiling and wrapping guns in oilcloth and paper.
Charley asked what he was doing. The old smith
gestured to a piece of paper on the workbench and
said that an order had come to him to register all of
his guns. He was to list every gun with a description
on a piece of paper and then to send the paper to
the government. The old man had no intention of
complying with the registration law and had
summoned Charley to help him bury the guns at
a railroad crossing. Charley asked why he didn't
simply comply with the order and keep the guns.
The old man, with tears in his eyes, replied to the
boy, "If I register them, they will be taken away. "
A year or two later, the blitzkrieg rolled across the
Low Countries. One day not long after, the war
arrived in Charley's town. A squad of German SS
troops banged on the door of a house that Charley
knew well. The family had twin sons about Charley's
age. The twins were his best friends. The officer
displayed a paper describing a Luger pistol, a relic
of the Great War, and ordered the father to produce
it. That old gun had been lost, stolen, or misplaced
sometime after it had been registered, the father
explained. He did not know where it was.
The officer told the father that he had exactly fifteen
minutes to produce the weapon. The family turned
their home upside down. No pistol. They returned
to the SS officer empty-handed.
The officer gave an order and soldiers herded the
family outside while other troops called the entire
town out into the square. There on the town square
the SS machine-gunned the entire family -- father,
mother, Charley's two friends, their older brother
and a baby sister.
I will never forget the moment. We were sitting on the
bunk on a Saturday afternoon and Charley was crying,
huge tears rolling down his cheeks, making silver dollar
size splotches on the dusty barracks floor.
That was my conversion from a casual gun owner to
one who was determined to prevent such a thing from
ever happening in America.
Later that summer, when I had returned home I went
to the president of the West Texas Sportsman's Club
in Abilene and told him I wanted to be on the legislative
committee. He replied that we didn't have a legislative
committee, but that I was now the chairman.
I, who had never given a thought to gun laws, have
been eyeball deep in the "gun control" fight ever
As the newly-minted Legislative Committee Chairman
of the West Texas Sportsman's club, I set myself to
some research. I had never before read the Second
Amendment, but now noticed that The American
Rifleman published it in its masthead. I was delighted
to learn that the Constitution prohibited laws like
Belgium's. There was no battle to fight, I thought.
We were covered. I have since learned that the words
about a militia and the right of the people to keep and
bear, while important, mean as much to a determined
enemy as the Maginot line did to Hitler.
Rather than depend on the Second Amendment to
protect our gun rights, I've learned that we must
protect the Second Amendment and the precious
rights it recognizes.
- ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------
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is hereby granted provided this credit is included.
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To receive The Firearms Coalition's bi-monthly
newsletter, The Knox Hard Corps Report, write to
PO Box 3313,
Manassas, VA 20108.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A few points I worked on this past week, still need a little work on thinning I think

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Two Wolves We Feed

The Two Wolves

"One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, generosity, empathy, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about this for a minute and then asked the grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Cherokee Proverb

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Backpacking New Mexico

From the Summit of Baldy Mtn. near Cimarron, New Mexico. 12441 ft. This was the hardest hike I have ever completed the climb was about 70-75 % grade a 1000 ft to the summit. But the view was worth it. I spent my 42 birthday here 8/13/2011. Was only able to stay at summit for about 45 minutes because the weather was changing rapibly and lighting in the distance. About 30 minutes later on our descent we got the rain, some cooler temperatures and with a burn ban in the area was unable to start a fire when we returned to our camp so had to just change clothes and make some hot chocolate to warm up. The temps can change almost drastically in alpine areas in the mtns. we had about a 40 degree drop. The morning was about 70 degrees and with the rain storm the temp dropped to the 40s.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

21st Century Kids

Just contemplating on not only my own kids but most all kids in general. I have come to realize that since my childhood most kids do not go outside and do anything any more. Our society has bite the bait hook, line and sinker and is really not even giving up a fight for their lives. Compared to fishing one can use different types of bait from real to artificial to entice a fish to bite a hook and eventually get a bite and set the hook and the fight is on sometimes the fish wins and live to try again another day. But the power and elite and control mongers have taken the bait and everyone especially the young people have easily taken hold and like it so much they don't want to let go they like it so much they aren't even going to fight it. Matter of fact some of us wise individuals who know what is going on are fighting for our youth and other adults to get them to understand that they have been caught and are going down and after a while they will be lost and there will be nothing we can do to save them. Of course if I am working my ass off to protect mine from those lures. And I may even lose them in the end. When we forget, our roots, forget what makes us and keeps us alive, when we destroy the very air we breath the very water we drink and the food we eat by allowing these same powerful, controlling whorish individuals to convince us that it is all right we are not harming anything, when we are no longer living in harmony with the Earth and our brothers and sisters it is easy to take the bait. It is easy for them to see the Wars all over the Earth as a good thing. War is never good! Peace is good!! I came up with a solution for the wars but no one will ever take it serious. Most everyone in this world that play video games knows of the game call of duty. Well we take the leader of each country that wants to go to war and let them fight it out on the video game and who ever loses has to give in to whatever the predetermined sucession rules are. But leave the individual people in their crespective countries alone to live in peace and harmony together just let the dicks fight it out on the video game for their egos. Only those rich tyrant dictator type leaders would probably win because they seem like they are the only ones who would have the time to actually play the game to have practice. People like the POTUS and such are too busy traveling around lying to the people get good enough to win a game like that. So it is probably not a really good theory after all. I still think we should send all the white euro trash illegal alien that have been here since 1492 back to europe though and let this country really remain free. A lot of crazy ideas that will never come to pass but it feels better to get this stuuf off my chest and my stress level down. I had intended this blog to be totally different than what it has turned outto be but no one reads it anyway so I guess I can just continue to relieve stress and spout off stupid crazy stuff even if it does or doesn't make since. Of course one day I may be surprised and actually see and comment to one of my post and actually start getting a few followers on this blog but who knows. Right now I don't really care. This just makes me feel better to know I have reduced my blood pressure below stroke level and can continue to cope with this life where one always has to watch their backs because you can't trust anyone any more.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of U lie

Today most of the US is celebrating their independence from England. A supposed tyrrant country that over taxed the colonist back in the day. So in 1776 a small faction of these men got together and declared their indepedence from this tyrrant. They opposed the over taxing and became an all out rebel force that caused a lot of problems for the old King. So now 2011 the little 13 colonies have grown into 50 states and few territories and hands into everything throughout the world, and what are they doing? Over taxing the people and have become all out tyrrants to the country. Well I say this, load all those White European descent bastards up and send them back to Europe and let us have our freedom back pre 1492! Maybe if we started the Ghost Dance again like Wovoka stated maybe the whites would fall and the Buffalo would come back and the nations would be strong again. But I see the only way we could do that is instead of bickering and fighting amongst tribes but uniting all the tribes as Tecumseh tried and showing a great force maybe the Spirit that flows thru all things the father of all living would see our sacrifice and prayers and know of our desire to be free again. We as a people have suffered much affliction because we could not forgive our brothers and work as one for the same purpose to be a free and equal people. Much of our individual beliefs have a common thread that link us together and that is the earth. We need to teach our people to love and respect our earth mother and work together to become one great tribe, one great nation, where everyone who walks here is truly equal not as the white man says but truly equal as the creator says. The stories passed down from generations from my ancestors are of a great leader amongst my people who did just that and the great spirit father took them into his creation in the next life away from here to live because the people all became as one, treating everyone as equals and there was no poor nor rich among them but they where all one people. It can be done again, we have the will power, we just have to be strong and lift one another up to break the holds the white oppressors have put on us and teach those who would listen to the true ways. Then all the indigenous nations could become one and live the true ways and be protected for eternity from the white devils that oppress. This is some of the things I see, this is some of the things I feel, this is some of the things I hear, this is some of the things I know could and would happen if we stand together and walk the true road as one.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

What could be? (a work of fiction)

One day I was out working the garden, as I live adjacent to some railroad tracks, I heard the typical noise of an slowly approaching train. They do this several times a day as they slow down to enter town and switch off/on railcars at a small yard in town. As I was out digging my potatoes with this train slowly traveling by I stood just to stretch and see what type of cars the engines where towing. I took note of the peculiar load on about 10 on the flatbed cars. What appeared to be some sort of heavy plastic containers approximatley 7 ft. long and 3ft. wide by 3ft. tall. stacked 10-15ft high on each of these flatbed cars. Contemplating what these containers could be used for I then noticed they where stamped FEMA on the ends. What would FEMA need containers that size for? I was puzzled for an instant then a quick chill went thru my body as it hit me these are coffins. I had heard about something like this before. I research alot on the internet and watch what some call right wing crazy television but being a survivalist one must always be survival minded. I finished the task at hand washing the potatoes, and preparing then for canning. People I used to work with would laugh at me when I told them I canned everything vegetables, fruits, meats, etc. And a friend told me my pantry looked like an old time grocery store. But to be self reliant and not depend on anyone, one must do so to not have to go to the grocery store. Oh by the way since eating what we grow and not eating the canned foods from the store or the processed foods we have become healthier go figure. I do not put preservatives in my canned foods and they last just as long as the store bought canned goods. Puzzling huh? While the potatoes dry on a rack. I get on my bike and ride toward town and the railroad yard. Curiousity has gotten the best of me by now. As I leisurely ride not to act suspicious I notice that those flat bed rail cars have been dropped off and men are starting to unload them in an area that either went up over night or no one really noticed, because next to the rail yard is a fence I never recall being there. 100 yards square approximately and they are using a fork lift to move these plastic coffins inside this yard. Noting the men doing so to my surpirse are wearing this new digital camo stuff the military has been wearing although I do not notice any insignia on the uniforms, but everyone is dressed the same. Seems odd to me. But then again does it? I head back home and continue with the family canning the potatoes. tomorrow will be tomatoes, and peppers and we will make some salsa also, I do not like balnd foods. Several hours pass with potatoes out of the way myself and my 2 boys drive over to our pasture land a few miles away and check on the black berry crop. This weekend we should have the little farmers market shop we have started open and full of customers. I think we have been giving the grocery store alot of run for business, we have been even selling some of our own canned items. Doing fairly well with it too. The place is really close to town and everything is fresh and clean no poisons added to it. Everyone seems to like that. Our prices are better also. We have fresh eggs and milk a few cows so the milk goes fast. We have come out also to drop off some buckets because the blackberries are a u-pick although we do sell some we've picked also packaged in containers the value is better if one pickes the berries themselves. After dropping the buckets off we drive to the back pasture and feed the horses and drop some hay out for the cows and goats. The farm is quiet small but it makes us a living and keeps us at home instead of both of us working from can to can't. We have noticed a big difference in our kids also how they have changed they seem happier and really have a desire to work instead of sitting around playing video games all the time, not to say we don't enjoy those times still but that is not the priority in life. The priority is what the ancestors taught, family teaching and learning and having fun together. Taking care of Mother Earth amd respecting and caring for our Elders. Life is a circle, we each must give as much as we take and then put back as much as we take. We then drive back home. I inform my family of what I have seen today and there are many questions. I don't have the answers fully I can only guess. But many questions have arisen in my mind in the past couple of decades that give me reason to speculate on the answers I will give my family. Why all of the sudden our government has an interest in protecting us from one of the smallest chances of being harmed, statistically it is safer to have a few terrorist on the loose than it is to drive a vehicle on the street, or get bite by a snake, or have a reaction to prescription medication, the government has not outlawed owning a car, they are not out trying to extinct the snake population, they still allow the medications to be manufactured and given to us. then why do they have to think they have to step in and say let us protect you from these evil terrorist? If they want to send out a few clandestine people in search for terrorist to stop them go ahead. But don't limit me on my freedoms in the name of protection, I am willing to take my chances, to board a plane with everyone on board not being strip searched before boarding. I am willing to enter a building before being strip searched before everyone else that enters has had the same. If we continue to let the government take all these small freedom away sooner or later we will not be able to make any choices for ourselves as we will have allowed them to slowly take all freedoms away in the name of protection. So I ask this simple question. Who is the terrorist? Who is the one putting fear and terror in your mind before you board a plane? before you enter a building? before you drive down the street? before you even vote? Who are the ones putting that fear in you? I know the answer, the real question is DO YOU?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reflecting on the past

As I listen to the chatter on the recent "capture and killing of Osama bin Laden" I reflect back on what it has done for this country. Since the "911 tragedy that he orchestrated" (I put things in quotations because I do not quiet believe they happened the way we are told) what has happened, the United States of America, "a once strong and free land" has had more restrictions placed on its inhabitants. For what, to protect us from what, Osama bin Laden,? No! To protect us from ourselves, that is what I think! I feel we are slowly being brain washed by the media to control our thoughts and minds, If we believe everything they tell us and we put all our trust in what they say then we will be like sheep to the slaughter. We will be programmed to accept what ever is told us "for our protection" and we will do what ever they tell us to do "for our protection" and in the end we will do what they command and will have to choice. So who is the real terrorist who is really putting the fear and terror tactics in our minds is it the radical middle eastern who feels threatened by the money hungry west or is the Money Hungry Power Hungry Western Government that just can't ever get enough until they control the whole world and drain it for everything and destroy all we have until there is nothing left. This is who I feel the real terrorist is the U.S. government place fear and terror in the minds of the people making them feel afraid they can not handle nothing on their own that they have to depend solely on the government and their leaders to protect them from the "evils of the world" when it is all just a lie and ploy to gain power and control to make them conform to whatthey want and bunch of robot clones doing their will. I have read and heard the stories of how they have and are continuing to try to destroy my people the Native Americans but now they have seen how successful that experiment has become that now they want it all an small group of "elite individuals" what it all to control all but they lust for that money and power and can't and will never get enough eventually they will destroy themselves if they continue onward. But if we do like many people I have heard speak and read free our minds and our spirit and think and do for our selves be self reliant. Helping each other as in the old ways we can fight these terrorist and slowly gain our ground a have our Earth back and have joy and peace and love and yes FREEDOM!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Waiting to foal

Miss Molly

The Waiting Game

Well today I got the hub loose and ready to pull but I am having to wait for the dealership to call. I had to order the main axle seals from them and they will not be in until after 1:00pm today. So I have watered the garden since we have not gotten any rain in a long time everything is so dry we are under a burn ban and there are forest fores everywhere. None close enough to me to worry though. I am also waiting on a mare to foal she should be due at any tome now. I will post a picture of her she is a beautiful grulla dun she was bred to black and white medicine hat paint. So I have a life full of things going on.

Repair upper/lower ball joints

Brake calipers and rotor removed

Tire removed for repair job

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My own mechanic

Yesterday I found out that I needed to replace the upper and lower ball joints in Sasquatch. That is what everyone calls my truck a 2001 F250 4x4. So I turned to my mechanic and asked what it would cost to do the job and looked at myself and said you know the usual. So I spent the bulk of the day running down parts and now after I post this I will get the mechanic to start on the project. Hopefully sometime tomorrow he (I) will be done and then take it down and get the front end re-aligned and we should be good for awhile. I guess this is what I mean when you do what you do to survive. I have a hard time sometimes diagnosing mechanical problems but I can fix most anything once I am told what is wrong. So I will save myself $300-$400 by doing this job myself. And that will help the coffers in repaying some loans and debts. I will try and post some pictures of the job if anyone is interested. So its off to the shop to be a mechanic now. Later!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Introduction

I live a simple life in East Texas, I spend half a year working and the other half surviving. I only work to pay the bills I accumulated as a ignorant 20-30 something. My parents taught me better but we must all rebel against how we are raised I suppose. I started off fairly good and felt I was on the right track but then I got married and my wife opened me up to a new world, I just thought I had to have a little of everything, now we have a lot of debt and even though I tried to stop she convinced me we where on the "right path". Now I have reverted back to the "old ways" and am slowly convincing her that this is the "right path". She is constantly faultering so it will be a tough battle. I do not know what I have gotten myself into but 20 years of marriage and 4 children later I have too much into this relationship now to call it quits ... I think? Anyways I am part native american (cherokee and chato) and swamp irish (french and scots/irish). I come from a long line of survivors and slef sufficient living folks. I have be taught and learned alot of skills is self sustained living and am working on teaching my wife and children these skills, plus a few new modern technologically advances self sustaining skills. Once we get our debt paid down enough we will purchase a tract of land and hopefully become self sufficient not relying on anyone for our needs. Atleast that is our goal (my goal). My wife is still convinced though you have to work for somebody and have them provide all your benefits but as we are learning is this new modern economy that is slowly going down the drain most of these jobs are cutting benefits to keep themselves alive in the "free market" people have quit relying on themselves so much and depending on someone else to provide everything for them for so long they can't understand that, that is not how a "free country" is supposed to operate. Sure everyone helps each other and reaps the benefits of what others produce, but we all have to realize if something happens to the other guy we will still need to rely on numero uno. Back in the day my family including extended family all relied on each other and everyone made it. But thru the comercialization of everything the "family" has been driven apart and seperated to where my children do not really know their extended family past 1st cousins and grandparents. That is a sad thing to me because my family was always the ones I could count on and depend on now I don't even know where most of them live. So hopefully by us getting back to the "old ways" of doing things we can bring back way of life atleast for our family. I am trying to convince my parents and siblings into going in together to purchase a large enough tract of land that we can all sustain and help each other especially thru tough times. The only draw back is they all think I am crazy except mom and dad. From time to time I will post how to do certain things, hide tanning, making tools (blacksmithing, flintknapping, traps etc) native plants for food and medicine, trapping, making weapons (bows, atlatls, tomahawks, knives etc) gardening, farming, and being one with the earth so that we do not destroy what we have. Anyones comments are questions will be gladly appreciated, and I hope that this will not only help me but others who may happen upon this blog.